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Finton’s Frolic: 63 Best Emile Smith Rowe Twitter Handle Wordplays

By Daniel Finton (Deputy Editor)

What up, Pimps?

Happy international break. Not. We didn’t really want this one, but here we are. Prior to the interlull we were in banging form and this break sort of can be seen as a flow destroyer. But we move, everyone’s going through it.

Whilst bored out of my wits during the break (jk I wish, I’m never bored, always busy, that was just for dramatic effect), I got to thinking. I see and hear a lot of Twitter handles that are word plays. Most are cringe as hell and each creator lacks the comic genius that I am chock full of. So I figured, maybe I’ll have a crack at that whip.

One of the players whose name is used the most in wordplays is the 63rd Arsenal player capped for England Emile Smith Rowe. Hence the number. So,

1. EmileSmithHereYaGo

2. EmileSmithsSocksAreLow

3. EmileSmithRodeo

4. EmileSmithYaMomsAHoe

5. EmileSmithSaturdaysAreForTheBros

6. TheNewSithKilledHanSolo

7. EmileSmithRoanokeVirginia

8. EmileSmithHoHoHo

9. EmileSmithShawtyGotLowLowLow

10. DaRealMfsWearTheirSocksLow

11. ElectricEelSmithRowe

12. TheSmithLord

13. EmileSmithCroydonDeBroynah

14. CoolGuy69420

15. RemileEithSowe

16. MyMomCanReal-ySowe

17. EmileSmithSnortingBlow

18. EmileSmithOlePleaseDontGo

19. TheseHandlesAreFireYo


21. EmileSmithTottenhamAreShit

22. EmileSmithNo

23. EmileSmithYo

24. EmileSmithPogoStick

25. EmileSmithYoNoPogosAllowedInTheDojo

26. EmileSmithBroBroWhatsPoppinYo

27. EmileSmithRatio

28. EmileSmithIWantToDie-O


30. EmileTheChubbyMouseFromRatatouille


32. EmileSmithJoeRogan

33. EmileSmithICan’TBelieveHe’s6FtBro

34. EmileShitsOnYoFace

35. EmileSmithGeeIDontKnow

36. EmileSmithI’mOnlyAt36?Shit

37. EmAhhhhhShitI’veGotAWhileToGo

38. EnglandCappedSmithRowe

39. TheseAreDepreciatingInQualityYouCanGo

40. EmileSmithHowAreYouStillHereBro

41. EmileSmithRamboIsActuallyRamsdaleNotRamsey

42. EmileSmithBidenIsThe46thPresident(Joe)

43. EmileSmith”AssnaIsMyHome”

44. EmileSmithXhakaIsAntiVaxRowe

45. EmileSmithTravisScottIsAMurdererRowe

46. EmileSmith46

47. EmileSmith47

48. EmileSmithImBadAtCountingHenceTheseLazyOnes48

49. EmileSmith4949Undefeat-oh-d

50. EmileSmithThankGodOnly13ToGo

51. EmileSmithStoppedEatingToGo

52. GoodsEatsGoodBallThatsLifeBrowe

53. EmileSmithEyeBrowesOnFleek

54. EmileSmithItsDeeHistoryOfDeeTottenham

55. RoweSmithEmile

56. EmileSmith7Times8Is56Bro

57. EmileTrustsInTheCessofPro

58. TheRealSmithRowe

59. TheEelSmithRowe

60. Fuck..IdkSomethingWithEelsAndBros

61. EmileSmithNoLeagueTitleForTottenhamSince61Bro

62. ADryHeelSmithRowe

63. CongratsOnYourEnglandCapWeDon’tDeserveYouButPleaseGODNeverLeaveUsWeNeedYouDesperatelyIfWe’reToHaveAGoodFuture.I’mSorryWeCanBeFickleButWeLoveYouDearlyEmithSmithPerfectNameForTwitterHandleWordPlaysSmithRowe

That’s all I have time for. Reach out via Twitter DM’s (@Daniel_Finton) and we can discuss prices for the handles.



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